The Source of Natural Wellness

All natural solutions for a healthy happy life

Nutritional Cannabis

Colette is a Natural Lore Practitioner, specialising in Nutritional Cannabis, and can provide advice on using this natural system as a pathway to wellness.

Herbal Medicine

Colette specialises in Herbal Medicine, with a BA from Newcastle University and a background in community development, person centred care and counselling she is well placed to help you find your unique mojo!

Bushflower Essences

@Mothers Medicine we value our unique Australian bush medicines – Australian Bush Flower essences may be right fit to assist in your healing journey.

Energy Healing

Learn and experience the real benefits of using natural energy sources to boost your healing and everyday wellness.

Colette Baron

BA Herbal Medicine • Natural Lore Nutritional Cannabis Practitioner

Discover the Healing Power of Mother’s Medicine

Embrace a holistic journey towards your health and wellness with a diverse range of natural therapies from Mothers Medicine.

Begin with a personalized health consultation to tailor the most effective natural solutions for you. Colette’s expertise spans across various services including:

  • Medicinal Cannabis
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Bush Flower Essences
  • Energy Healing
  • Holistic Counselling

Unlock the potential of nature to restore balance and vitality in your life.